The aim of the Prize is to promote basic scientific research on various issues connected with the history and output of Polish emigration in the 20th century.
- The Prize is granted for an outstanding master’s thesis and separately for doctoral thesis, defended this year, in one of the four fields:
- literary (also: theatre, linguistics);
- history (also: source knowledge, biography, periodical press, bibliography, military system);
- history of culture and sociology (also: science of sciences, study of religions, philosophy, musicology);
- history of art (also: history of book, editing, museology).
- The Prize is granted by the Archives of Polish and Eastern European Emigration at the NCU Library and by Emigration Research Division of the Institute for Polish Literature at the NCU in Toruń, once a year, at the beginning of October, at the New Academic Year’s inauguration.
- The Editors and members of the Scientfic Editorial Council for the journal “Archives of Polish and Eastern European Emigration” costitute the jury of the Prize: Alice-Catherine Carls, Swietłana Czerwonnaja, Beata Dorosz, Anna Frajlich, Zbigniew Girzyński, Douglas Hall, Adam Kola, Jarosław Koźmiński, Joanna Krasnodębska, Jerzy R. Krzyżanowski, Wojciech Ligęza, Rafał Moczkodan, Józef Olejniczak, Krzysztof Pomian, Dobrochna Ratajczakowa, Jan W. Sienkiewicz, Anna Supruniuk, Mirosław A. Supruniuk (editor-in-chief), Mariusz Wołos.
- In 1999, the idea of the Prize was supported by the Prize’s Honourable Chapter House, consisting of outstanding representatives of Polish culture in exile: Józef Bujnowski, Maria Danilewicz Zielińska, Andrzej S. Ehrenkreutz, Jerzy Giedroyc, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, Leszek Kołakowski, Jan Kott, Stefania Kossowska, Jerzy R. Krzyżanowski, Jerzy Krzywicki, Danuta Mostwin, Olga Scherer, Tymon Terlecki.
- Scientific Institutes, promoters and reviewers are entitled to submit unpublished master’s thesises and doctoral dissertations in duplicate by 31st July each year to the address of the journal’s editorial office.