Anu R. Kura, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 2nd ed. (Auckland: University Books, 2006), 78.
Kura, Teaching and Learning, 43.
Cohen, Robin. Global Diasporas: An Introduction. 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2008.
Anderson, Jonathan, and Millicent E. Poole. Assignment and Thesis Writing. 4th ed. Milton: John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Hansen, Anders, Simon Cottle, Ralph Negrine, and Chris Newbold. Mass Communication Research Methods. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998.
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. 10th ed. Springfield: Merriam Webster, 1993.
Knott, Kim, and Sean McLoughlin, eds. Diasporas: Concepts, Intersections, Identities. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2010.
Knowles, Malcolm S. “Independent Study.” In Using Learning Contracts, 73-112. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986.
Van Hear, Nicholas. “Migration.” In Diasporas: Concepts, Intersections, Identities, edited by Kim Knott and Sean McLoughlin, 34-38. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2010.
Mullan, John. How Novels Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. ProQuest Ebook Central.
In case of e-book with a DOI, it should be included as a URL at the end of the reference. If there is no DOI and the book is accessed via a database, the said database should be named (as in the example above. If the ebook does not have a DOI and is not available via a database, a URL should be added at the end.
Tölöyan, Khachig. “Rethinking Diaspora(s): Stateless Power in the Transnational Moment.” Diaspora 5 no. 1 (1996): 3-36.
Antoniak, Joanna. “The Multiple Dimensions of the Journey Motif in SKY Lee’s Disappearing Moon Café (1990).” Explorations 6 (2018): 8-22.
If a DOI is available, the URL should be added at the end of the reference. If no DOI is available, the name of the database or a stable URL should be provided.
Von Der Luhe, I. “I Without Gurantees: Ingeborg Bachmann’s Frankfurt Lectures on Poetics.” Translated by MT Kraus. New German Critique 8, no. 27 (1982); 31-56.
Samenow, Jason. “Storm Warning: High Winds.” Washington Post. January 21, 206, 3:55 p.m. EST /capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/01/21/.
Cooper, D. “Native Ant May Stop Toad in its Tracks.” ABC Science, March 31, 2009,
Boardman, Margot. “Learning Communities Contribution to Educational Improvement: Joint Participation for Mutual Gain in Early Childhood Education.” Paper presented at the International Education Research Conference AARE/NZARE, Auckland, New Zealand, November 30 – December 3, 2003.
Matthews, Race. Letter and photographs from the Hon Race Mathews. September 1, 1985. Accessed October 21, 2009.
In case of unpublished works, letters, and documents, it is necessary to add the format type (e.g. a microform) or URL to the database in which they are stored.
Este, J., C. Warren, L. Connor, M. Brown, R. Pollard and T. O’Connor. Life in the Clickstream: The Future of Journalism. Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, 2008. _final.pdf.
Developing an argument. Princeton Writing Centre. Accessed May 12, 2014. /WCWritingResources.htm.
“Swim with Whales: An Unforgettable Wildlife Encounter.” WDCS International. Accessed November 18, 2014.
In case of other types of materials (videos, films etc.), the authors are advised to consult The Chicago Manual of Style.
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