Ewa Bobrowska, PhD, art historian and psychologist, is Associate Program Officer, Research at the Terra Foundation for American Art Europe in Paris where she is responsible for the coordination of research scholarships, colloquia and conferences as well as the provision of scientific information. Previously curator, then head of the art collection of the Bibliothèque Polonaise in Paris (1988–2002). As a specialist of 19th and 20th century art, she devoted her doctoral thesis — Polish Artists in France 1890–1918. Communities and Individuals (University Paris, 2001) — to the Polish artistic presence in France. She is particularly interested in Polish art in an international context, especially the history of the Polish artistic immigration to France. Her most important publications are: Olga Boznańska (1865–1940), peintures, Paris, 1990; Harmonia Wodnika — Witold Januszewski: malarstwo, rysunek, Kielce 2010; Artyści polscy we Francji 1890–1918. Wspólnoty i indywidualności, Warsaw 2004; Simon Mondzain (co-author), Warsaw 2012. She is author and curator of numerous exhibitions on Polish culture, art and history, in both France, Poland and USA, including “Polonia. Les Polonais en France de 1830 à nos jours”, Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, 2011. Author of numerous articles, she regularly participates in international colloquia. In 2004, she co-edited La Saison polonaise, a special edition of the Beaux-Arts Magazine dedicated to Polish art of the 20th century.
Beata Dorosz, PhD, works in the 20th and 21st Century Literary Documentation Department at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She specializes in the Polish literature and cultural life in exile after 1939 (Jan Lechoń and the emigration environment of New York occupy here a special place), literary documentation (bibliography and biography), scientific editing. Her most important publications include: Literatura i krytyka poza cenzurą 1977–1989 (Bibliografia druków zwartych) [Literature and critic outide censorship 1977–1989 (Bibliography of compact print)]. Co-author: J. Czachowska, Wrocław 1991; Lechoń nowojorski [New York’s Lechoń], New York–Warszawa 1999; M. Grydzewski, J. Lechoń Listy 1923–1956 [Letters 1923–1956], vol. 1–2, Warszawa 2006; J. Lechoń, Z. i R. Malczewscy, ”Coraz trudniej żyć a umrzeć strach”. Listy 1952–1955 [“It is harder and harder to live yet fear to die”. Letters 1952–1955], Warszawa 2008.
Adam Kola, PhD, Slavist, cultural specialist. He works in the Institute of Slavonic Philology at the NCU [Nicolaus Copernicus University]. His scientific interests concentrate on—expressed from comparatistic and culturalist perspective—Slavic social-political thought, and first of all on the mechanisms of functioning of science (research relating to cultural roots of literary in the Middle and Eastern Europe, the role of Manfred Kridl among others, and also transatlantic transfer of knowledge and the role of the Middle- and Eastern European emigration in the development of science in the USA). The most important publications: Słowianofilstwo czeskie i rosyjskie w ujęciu porównawczym [Czech and Russian Slavophilism in comparative perspective], Łódź 2004; Filozofia i etyka interpretacji [Philosphy and ethics of interpretation], Kraków 2007 (together with Andrzej Szahaj); Europa w dyskursie polskim, czeskim i chorwackim. Rekonfiguracje krytyczne [Europe in Polish, Czech and Croatian discourse. Critical reconfigurations], Toruń 2011.
Jarosław Koźmiński, MA, a graduate in Polish Philology from the NCU [Nicolaus Copernicus University]. The editor-in-chief of Dziennik Polski [The Polish Daily]—the only Polish daily coming out in London. The author of Polish exhibitions in London: Stanisław Frenkiel, Marek Żuławski, Marian Kościałkowski. The most important publications: Stanisław Frenkiel, Kożuchy w chmurach i inne eseje o sztuce [Sheepskins in the clouds and other essays on art], preface and selection…, Toruń 1998; Marek Żuławski, Studium do autoportretu [Studies for Self-Portrait], (co-editor), Toruń–Londyn 2009.
Joanna Krasnodębska, MA, works in the Archives of Polish Emigration at the University Library in Toruń. The most important publications: Mała Galeria Sztuki Emigracyjnej ze zbiorów Archiwum Emigracji [A Little Gallery of Art in Exile from the collection of the Archives of Polish Emigration] Toruń 2002 (together with M. A. Supruniuk); Stefan Czaja—in memoriam, elab. by J. Krasnodębska, D. Czyżak, Toruń 2004; Katalog grafiki Konstantego Brandla ze zbiorów Archiwum Emigracji Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Toruniu [Konstanty Brandel’s graphic catalogue from the collection of the Archives of Polish Emigration at the University Library in Toruń] (co-author), Toruń 2005; J. Sienkiewicz, Halima Nałęcz (co-editor), Toruń 2007.
Rafał Moczkodan, PhD, works in the Institute of Polish Literature at the NCU [Nicolaus Copernicus University]. He specializes in the emigration literary life and literary criticism. The most important publications: ”Tygodniowy Serwis Literacki Koła Pisarzy z Polski”—“Tygodnik Polski” 1941–1947. Bibliografia zawartości [“Week’s Literary Bulletin of the Society of Polish Writers”—“The Polish Weekly” 1941–1947. Bibliography of contents] (together with B. Czarnecka), Toruń 2006; ”Życie Akademickie”—“Kontynenty” 1949–1966. Bibliografia zawartości [“Academic Life”—“Continents” 1949–1966. Bibliography of contents), Toruń 2001.
Anna Supruniuk, postdoctoral degree, historian, archivist, source editor. The head of the NCU’s [Nicolaus Copernicus University] Archives. She specializes in medieval history, 20th century science history. She published: Otoczenie księcia mazowieckiego Siemowita IV (1374–1426). Studium o elicie politycznej Mazowsza na przełomie XIV i XV wieku [The environment of the Mazovian Prince Siemowit IV (1374–1426). The study of the Mazovian political elite at the turn of the 14th and 15th century], Warsaw 1998; Bibliografia. “Kultura” 1988–1996 [Bibliography. “Culture” 1988–1996], „Zeszyty Historyczne” 1988–1996. Działalność wydawnicza 1988–1996 [“Historical Books” 1988–1996. The publishing 1988–1996], Paris 1997 (together with M. A. Supruniuk); Mazowsze Siemowitów (1341–1442): dzieje polityczne i struktury władzy [The Mazovia of Siemowits (1341–1442): political history and authorities structure], Warsaw 2010; Stefania Kossowska, Definicja szczęścia: listy do Anny Frajlich 1972–2003 [Definition of happiness: letters to Anna Frajlich 1972–2003], elab. …, Toruń 2007; Uniwersytet Stefana Batorego w Wilnie w fotografiach: 1919–1939 [Stephanus Bathoreus University in Vilnius], Toruń 2009 (together with M. A. Supruniuk).
Mirosław Adam Supruniuk, PhD, creator and head of the Archives of Polish Emigration at the University Library in Toruń, coeditor (with S. Kossowska) of the series “The Archives of Polish and East European Emigration”. He specializes in researching on the history and output of the Polish emigration after 1939—mainly on its cultural aspects: history of art, editing, source science, biography, emigration bibliography, emigration press and publications. The most important publications: ”Kultura”. Materiały do dziejów Instytutu Literackiego w Paryżu [“Culture”. Materials for the history of the Literary Institute in Paris] vol. 1–2, Toruń–Warsaw 1994–1995; Bibliografia. “Kultura” 1988–1996 [Bibliography. “Culture” 1988–1996], ”Zeszyty Historyczne” 1988–1996. Działalność wydawnicza 1988–1996 [“Historical Books” 1988–1996. The publishing 1988–1996], Paris 1997 (together with A. Supruniuk); Sztuka polska w Wielkiej Brytanii 1940–2000 (antologia) [Polish art in Great Britain 1940–2000 (anthology)], Toruń 2006; Przyjaciele wolności. Kongres Wolności Kultury i Polacy [The friends of freedom. The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Poles], Warsaw 2008; Uporządkować wspomnienia. Nieautoryzowane rozmowy z Jerzym Giedroyciem [To arrange memories. Non-authorised conversations with Jerzy Giedroyc], Toruń 2011; Zobaczyć inną Polskę. Pomoc paryskiego Instytutu Literackiego dla Polski w latach 1946–1990. Koncepcje i realizacja [To see other Poland. The help of the Parisian Literary Institute for Poland in the years 1946–1990], Toruń 2011.
Marcin Wołk, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Polish Literature and the head of the Laboratory for Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Languages, NCU. He specializes in fiction and autobiographic writing of the 20th and 21 centuries, particularly in Polish-Jewish literature. He published: Tekst w dwóch kontekstach. Narracja pierwszoosobowa w powieściach Kazimierza Brandysa [The text in two contexts: First person narration in the novels by Kazimierz Brandys], Toruń 1999; Głosy labiryntu. Od "Śmierci w Wenecji" do "Monizy Clavier" [Voices of the Labyrinth: From Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" to Sławoimir Mrożek's "Moniza Clavier"], Toruń 2009.
Mariusz Wołos, Associate Professor at the Pedagogical University in Cracow and Institute of History at The Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw. He specializes in diplomatic history and international relations, history of France and UCRR and their mutual relations, military history, biography, historiography and in the history of national minorities in Europe (Jews, Georgians). The most important publications: Alfred Chłapowski (1874–1940). Biografia ambasadora Polski we Francji [Alfred Chłapowski (1874–1940). Biography of a Polish ambassador in France], Toruń 1999; Generał dywizji Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski. Biografia wojskowa [Division’s general, Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski. Military biography], Toruń 2000; Francja–ZSRR. Stosunki polityczne w latach 1924–1932 [France–UCRR. Political relations in the years 1924–1932], Toruń 2004; Polskie Dokumenty Dyplomatyczne. 1931 [Polish diplomatic Documents. 1931], ed. …, Warsaw 2008; Pol’skie issledovateli Sibiri, otv. ed. B. S. Šostakovič, …, P. Gluškovskij, Sankt-Petersburg 2011; Treugol’nik: Moskva–Varšava–Berlin: očerki istorii sovetsko-pol’sko-germanskih otnošenij v 1918–1939 gg., Sankt-Petersburg 2011 (together with J. Kantor).
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