Aktualności DARIAH-PL
On Asking More Effective Questions, Using Computational Methods, and Developing Better Theories (of Mind)
Szanowni Państwo
Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne seminarium Science Bridges, które odbędzie się 14 grudnia 2020 r. o godz. 18:00. Będzie to wirtualny wykład dra Bretta Buttliere (Nicolaus Copernicus University postdoc) pt. "On Asking More Effective Questions, Using Computational Methods, and Developing Better Theories (of Mind)". Partnerami seminarium Science Bridges są Centrum Doskonałości IMSErt (Interakcje – umysł, społeczeństwo, środowisko), International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO) – koło w Toruniu oraz Konsorcjum DARIAH-PL na UMK.
The talk will have three main parts, the first of which will introduce the work I have done so far, the second some of the projects that we consider during my time here, and in the third place one project that I have been working on for some time and hope to continue working on here. Most of my work thus far has been meta-scientific and psychological, in the sense that I am studying the psychology of the scientist, and especially the construction of useful scientific questions and the dynamics of scientific communication more generally. I will talk about results from some surveys of scientists we have done, as well as some bibliometric data suggesting that the best science is controversial and about topics that bother us e.g., are vaccines safe? Is the world warming? Is science replicable?